Online Learning
You can learn embroidery at home!
We have prepared online courses in a variety of areas:
– bead embroidery
– cross stitch
– satin stitch embroidery
Types of embroidery
Embroidery – a kind of needlework, the popularity of which over time does not subside. People of all ages welcome the tradition, strive to master the skills of embroidery, through which it is possible to create original decorative objects.
Embroidered paintings, tablecloths, blouses are received with special trepidation as gifts. Embroidery is a process that allows the creative person to express himself, to fight with a bad mood, to eliminate the effects of stress.
What kind of embroidery
There are different types of embroidery, differing in technique, materials and tools. Masters embroider pictures, patterns, using not only threads, but also ribbons and beads. The average man can hardly list all the existing types of embroidery.
This kind of needlework is impressive in its diversity and richness. Most have heard about techniques such as cross embroidery and plain, ribbons, beads and rhinestones, also impressed by the result, which can be obtained by performing carpet embroidery.
Experienced masters can confidently list and such rare embroidery techniques as Italian assisi, golden royal embroidery, soutache and diamond embroidery, handarger, Richelieu and Brazilian.
Having mastered the secrets of craftsmanship, you can turn ordinary closet items into original designer creations. Embroidered tablecloths in any case will help you to improve your interior, make it bright and interesting.
Modern masters can improve the process of embroidery, armed not only with the necessary tools, but also by buying or making their own special machines for embroidery – with the presence of additional lighting, a magnifying glass and a movable frame for secure fixation of the canvas.
Types of cross embroidery
Cross embroidery is familiar to many people. Children get their first experience in labor classes at school. It is important to be very attentive to make the crosses look the same. Stitches are made strictly in one direction.
It is useful for beginners to buy a ready-made set, which already has a drawing scheme and a detailed instruction, in what sequence the stitches are made, threads of what color shades are used. Also such an instruction contains comments, what varieties of cross stitches should be performed by the master.
Cross stitching involves such varieties of crosses:
– full cross;
– half-cross;
– quarter and three-quarter cross;
– Backstitch.

Experienced craftswomen successfully operate any type of cross, getting a unique picture, which is a true work of art.
Types of satin stitch embroidery

Masters mostly use cotton or silk mouliné threads for their work. Satin embroidery involves the use of a variety of stitch variations and several techniques, which include:
– flat ironing;
– satin;
– with overlay;
– art;
– white;
– Russian;
– Chinese.
The paintings of experienced masters include not one, but several techniques at once, thanks to which it is possible to ensure absolute realism of the image.
Linen ironing is also popular, as it is performed with threads of the same shade as the main fabric. That is why some masters call this technique “tone-on-tone”. Linen ironing allows you to get amazing handmade lace. Following the
ancient traditions, it is possible to create real masterpieces.
Get a neat stitches, bright and original product is possible if you master the secrets of experienced masters, as well as prepare the necessary tools.
In particular, for work it is important to prepare an embroidery frame, ensuring a reliable fixation of the canvas, threads of various shades, as well as a thin needle.
Types of beadwork
Currently, beadwork is popular among those who seek to decorate interior or closet items, accessories. The technique of beading is not as difficult to perform, but requires extra diligence, care and accuracy. All this is due to the
fact that we have to work with a very small material – beads. For this reason, many compare such a technique of embroidery with jewelry work.By the way, experienced craftsmen in most cases recommend beginners to learn the basics
on simple schemes. However, in the case of beadwork recommendations are sharply different, because novice masters are aimed immediately at serious work, giving preference to fantasy or abstract designs.
Beadwork is accompanied by several varieties of stitches:
– simple stitch;
– forward needle;
– stitch, stem stitch;
– back needle;
– stitch in a fastener.

Embroidery of any variety is worthy of attention for those who seek to join the creative process. Excluding the hurry, fuss, you can get an amazing result, which can be justifiably proud of. By honing the level of skill, it will be easier to create original products based on the fantastic ideas that arise every day.
Who will it be useful for?
You can learn a new hobby, usefully spend time, create unusual things with your own hands for yourself and your family.
You will not stay unnoticed. You can always decorate your things with unusual patterns and prints, which no one else but you will have.
Stylists and designers
You will be able to create unusual images, combine styles and different solutions. Find inspiration in a new direction and come up with many unique products.
For you!
You will learn how to bring your ideas to life, embroider pictures, illustrations, work on clothes, get creative and make money from your hobby.
satin stitch embroidery
cross stitch

After completing the course, you will be able to
– Create an unusual and original thing with your own hands
– Understand techniques and tools
– Decorate with beautiful patterns their clothes and loved ones
– Make money by selling your products
– Lead your own creative blog about embroidery
– Learn a new creative hobby
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